International Placements

India is blessed with a demographic dividend with its huge young population about 15 mln are entering  the workforce, annually.  This is  at  such as  time  when  the entire  world  especially the  developed economies  are facing  acute &  ever growing  shortage of  skilled workers.  If India  enables this  young population with the right skill, it can cater to its own domestic demand as well as cater the global skill requirement. India  can therefore emerge as the Skill  Capital of the world. 

Funfirst by the virtue of its sectoral expertise, intense focus  & mission-mode efforts is building International Placement Opportunities as a means for vertical mobility to grow in their careers. 

Funfirst is looking at placing around 1000 candidates in high end jobs every year and also looking for setting up International Skilling Centers and Trade Testing Centers in India. 

We are currently exploring opportunities in Japan, Germany, South Korea, the Middle-east,  Bangladesh, Singapore, Egypt, Tanzania, Canada and Nepal to expand its reach and network.

Inverter AC

This course covers training on the following topics:
1. Difference in the working of non-inverter and Inverter air conditioners
2. Important parts used in Inverter AC and their inspection methods
3.Knowledge and practical skills for handling new refrigerants
4. Good Servicing Practices to limit refrigerant wastage and maintain energy efficiency of the air conditioning (AC) equipment
5. Practicing Occupational Safety



This course covers training on the following topics:
1. Dishwasher Program Cycles
2. Important Parts such as PCB, Thermostat, Sensors
3. Inspection methods of motors, pumps, heaters
4. Water level sensing
5. Dishwasher assembly/disassembly process


Gas Charging

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AC Installation

1. Handling of Tools, Equipment and measuring instruments
2. Various refrigerants and their properties
3. Site selection parameters for IDU/ODU fitting
4. Safety precautions
5. Performance testing of Indoor/outdoor units
6. Gas Charging procedure


PCB Repairing

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